Saturday, September 10, 2005

it was just a thought..

hey,people! please understand me,i have been sitting,standing,walkin,running and tryin nothing all through these years in this small town and finally i come up with a thought that has been troubling me ever since i started thinkin of dreams and not dreams of the freudean category,but ambitions. And i came up with what i must confess shocked me. For a small town we have a really ambitious youth,to be honest the ones with the strongest i found at uni y and the least ambitious at my college.All these ambitious people led me to think on each dream including mine and i realised we all have a big I,ME, MINE standing up above all. we have never,and i strongly confess have never thought of OTHERS.
Why didn't I do that? That is the question that led to put up that blog,the statement is incomplete and i hope to write more on it not on the blog but in my black book. I realised today that i have a confused lot of uni Yans, who read it so i have tried my best and edited it. I hopr u people would go through the pain of reading it again and posting your comments. TODAY is a happy day,one of the happiest i've had in recent times.We are finally gearing up for this years UNI ART. thank you. Im sure a lot of people will be happy with this. All through my time at this place that literally saved me thanks to the forcefullness of a veteran member and a group of people who no man could hate. This day I thank those members,guys you don't know what u have done for an idiot like me. And oh i read febby's blog,
what will we do without her? Imagine a being that brings a smile to every man's face.Feb you are a Wonder. Ok thats enough or guys will think i'm in love,now i must say i haven't said half that to the woman i love. My only question to Feb is why IaS? that is too small a thing for you.Hell it's too small a dream for me.I'm not sayin you r smarter than me just that try somethin else or better still ask the Why and If question,keepin in mind the Others in this world. arey! Why trouble the poor people in the collectrates office or the foreign office? I mean how will they manage you? no How will they even see you behind the big table? Hey atticus he.....he....he.... Imagine mash thinking u to be half as smart as me.Mash i didn't go to Cambridge doesn't mean i won't go to Cambridge.Wait Harvards law school sounds better, Stanford? nah... NlsU will do..for LLm..... the breezee is blowing by you,can u feel me?