Sunday, January 08, 2006

In my defense

Wrongly was i accused.......of depriving this august blog (doesnt that sound wierd?"august blog") of material that is but essential for the prevention of its slow agonozing death.......i was in fact emotionally denied of my right to feed an eminent lawyer.....who didnt take my previous post(reference:this went unnoticed dated 10/11/2005) lightly.To be fair to him.......i did expose the nature of his ............well.....'orientation'......through a couple of revolting photographs featuring himself and 'loved' member renji the tcs-kidu caught in compromising positions.i hereby disclose the location of this offender to be Bangalore.
Considering him to be a 'close'...well.....'friend' of the lawyer moving in court against me.......i would have belived he would know....
But still due to the enormous size of my heart i have decided to forgive the latter and to join forces with the authorities to track down the real criminals
Your honour i hereby request to be freed of the charges that have been levied against me on grounds that i was being emotionally blackmailed to commit the crime which i realize is a grave offence
yours pleadingly
manu varma