Thursday, November 24, 2005

Blogging by the net on a rainy afternoon.....

hello everybody.... its been some time.... scholars and statesmen have passed away.... elections have been won or lost.... don's and their"keeps" have been nabbed.... but life goes on..... even at the sake of giving up my 'brahmacharya' and drooling at a really hot girl.....
well life as on now is really sober.... heh heh i know what you guys will be thinking.... no i am a strict non alcoholic! ...i got a reality check after my second series examination in which my marks read like 10/100,12/100,15/100,42/100(yaay!. i passed for one!) i am now forced into a situation to study for my university exams!.... cos internals and all that stuff are totally screwed..... life right now deals with studies... or to be more precise... plannin of studies!! i am trying not to get or distracted at least till the exams are over.... but man! its too damn hard....
but u know.. i am tryin.. cos winners never quit and quitters never win....
and as the age old saying goes...." there are onlywinners in uni-y".......
and congrats to manju, febna and aparna for having secured the oppurtunity to represent kerala for various events in the inter university festival.... And all the best for bigger and better things to come...(feb was freaked about the debate because rakesh told he'd be participating..!!)
P.S:- humdinger dude..... tht woman was seriously hot.... i think any male of the species homo sapiens will vouch for that!!