my country
they say,anythin happens in NewYork, and talk of the American dream. Well friends what doesn't happen in INDIA? Nothin and therin lies its beauty. The beauty of no dream comin true,the beauty of power in its ultimate brutality.The belief that Macheiavelli is GOD. and that ultimate truth KRISHNA taught us - whatever happens happens for the good- jo bhi hota hai ache ke liye hota hai- oh to add rather distastefully Krishna my friend is the true Macheiavelli and Chanakya just a follower. Friends to see the beauty of India one must understand India.
It ain't the land of mysteries it is the land of practicality.No Indian dreams impossible dreams. He dreams possibilities,a poor boy runs away from home in Jalandhar Why? He's off to Mumbhai to meet Aishwarya Rai who is his soulmate,he wants to see her n see her he will,well in a Pajero wit Vivek bhai,but our practical Jalandharwalla would have been sellin papers at the sidewalk when he saw his dreamgal,makin money n meetin love who he felt had waved to him but she was just massagin her neck after a ride wit Oberoi sahib.This bhai of ours will now be inspired to act in movies n dancin wit dreamgal,now its Kareena.And dance he wil either behind the sets or as an extra.n he'll take friends alng to a 100rs theatre to show them the scene when he danced with Kareena (behind the sets,n when he took her shawl to her,after she threw it off due to the heat). Now that was practical dreamin in Mumbai.If u look carefully you can see the truth of end justifyin means here too.Now down south to our home town,which is in a place they call as Gods own country. Yea i believe that,and I believe in God.I believe in country too. We mallus are extremely practical people from the way we choose our friends,our desire in them bein beautiful people n rich people,that we want to be. Our thoughts the most snobbish of the lot
Now if i were to write a book on Kerala and someday i'll this is its name--- The Children of Macheavelli in Gods own country. They say u'll find a mallu on the moon,what they don't say was he was sent to the moon on a purely experimental basis,he is the best of all survivors,he has no feelins he can live anywhere,he can forget the land he came from(til he becomes rich) and tht ability to breed anywhere n with anyperson and the distaste for all ethics.oh i nearly forgot an ability to lie so innovatively tht he's held in wonder all over the world. Friends a malayale is the best of Indianness-- the great dreamer,the even greater practical man(in situations 4 others), an extremely tough breed with the ability breed quickly(forgot to mention tht earlier),and a survival instint that'l put a turtle to shame and another thing that'll put it to shame(tholi katti)
i'm sure none of this'l surprise chaps-- after all u r one too.
why oh why?
this is a very healthy man bloggin.well technically he is very healthy or rather proud of his fitness levels.but this young man is cursed,yes someone has done the black magic on him.this innocent fellow always for 6years now always comes down wit fever durin the months of february n september and so horribly drained down wit fever tht he spends the whole period in hibernation.these few months of the year r when this man is at his weakest emotionally n physically,and the poor chap has realised much to his horror,that his college is so used to bein different that they always conduct semester exams durin this period,leavin him tired n extremely if there is someone out there who can find a cure for this mans predicament,please help him , his exams are on the third n he has fever for two days now.
Ganguly and Indicomm..
What with all the scandal brewing in Indian Cricket..Tata seems to have decided to capitalize on the situation...the new ad for Tata
And more...
3 happy and sated faces...and one...guess he is 2,maybe he hides it well...
Vishnu wins the no-hands-pappadam-munching-contest...well,
In a blatant example of "match-fixing", the "Organizer" gets 2 bolis...which she is seen here trying to hide with her palms..:)
Onam pix..the rest...
The girls have their revenge on Anuroop...once they had finished serving him,this was how his "ila" looked..!!
Joseph,Arjun,...and Yours Truly...after a well-earned (!!) meal...[after all, the guys did MOST of the;)
Eric looks pretty can only guess about what..And the one-n-only Renji tries to be his "detached" self, by shying away from the cameras..
Forgive my bold letters at the title of this post.Cause i feel like screaming at the top of my lungs!!I have attended many Onam celebrations, but never one like this!!What all did i have to see within the course of 4 hours!!
Forgive my insolance(numbering):
1. Starting with urs truly,serving before eating..The only time i have served (hmm..lemme rephrase,at least didnt sit for the inaugural service) was my sister's wedding!!I consider myself to have shown considerable patience at the abovesaid function.
2. Same sex proposal by 3 couples at the same venue!!
3. An excellent meal!!Can find such a meal only at home!
In this regard, kudos to Febna for organising such an excellent meal!She spent 2 ITC cards on the event! I will try to reimburse that!
4. In that regard,An overview of febna's ration of 1 meal was got.. 3 serves of rice,A bholi,Lots of payasam(2glasses)!! I reckon it was burned off in the events that followed..
5. An open show of Match-fixing in an innocent organization like the UNIY!!It happened in 2 battle of the sexes(tug-of-war)..Renji dropping his rope to favour the girls??I am ashamed!!
Anyway there were lots more..Girls "claiming" to know more about serving to us guys..Particularly a "tall,long haired female"..An honest appraisal is that us serving was much better..At least, We knew what came left and right..
The meal was also made superb by the presence of our juniors like Reuben,Geno!!It was a long time since i saw those guyz..It made the meeting all the more special..
Great going guyz,Let us never say "period",
To whomsoever it may concern
As a mod of the blog, it is a custom 4 me to work behind the scenes. Anyway, I found that a lot of people havent shown their real name on the blog."The last samurai" seems to be using blog for the 'first' time. However, as we are not running a secret service Illuminati organization where no man carries with him no label, we find it obligatory to make people reveal more about themselves.
The last samurai... Who art thou??:-) !! Whoever u are please fill in your profile..
Kudos to Manu(The Rocker from SCT) for putting together a fantastic blog.
Onam celebrations..Moments from the day that ROCKED..!!
"Ferric" proves his skills at serving the parippu...
Beauties and the ...Chocolate...!!
Aravind lends a hand...surprise..he's serving the guys..!!
Forgive the quality of the pictures..just a VGA cam..:( ..and more to be posted soon...
Blog Revolutions..!!! dont call the moderators weird,please...but we've given the blog a WHOLE new look...sortof as a belated Onam present?? (..why not,since we had our onam celebs just yesterday...and AWEsome celebs they were too...)
Anyways,hope all of you like it...the shoutbox,and statcounter are still there...the only new feature is the poll...just vote when u can spare the time..;)
Thanks to Jayaram, for all his effort,and his "html and xhtml"
Keep bloggin peepz...peace...
[1] Please people...bold lettering and bright coloring is used for please avoid them...
[2] Creative names are okay,but we really do need some COMMUNICATION in here,so try to give your real names, at least in your profiles..or, adopt the method of signing off your post with your real name,rather than your nick.
@ Mash
Respected Mash...
First and foremost,my sincere apologies to Rakesh and yourself,for the delay in receiving invitations....
It is with utmost regret that I am having to make the rest of this post, but I consider it only proper to do so...
I received Rakesh's mail id on the 11th of the month,and on that day itself i had sent an invite to his id..
Why the invitation did not reach him, or if it did, why it wasnt used, I dont know...but it was sent...period.
This is the link to a screenshot that shows the page with the invitation....
Pending Invitation List
i had earlier written a post about how i used to miss the good old onam times that i had in my native place. today was a good day...well let me rephrase was a great day....rephrase that again AWesome day! today was the exact dose of cultural social and emotional cocaine that i needed... dudes i am high right now! so whatever i say may be equivalent to the ramblings of a mad man or the vision of a great philosopher....
today we found ourselves in the company of many beautiful women decked up in resplendent sarees looking truly like the goddesses they are( pun intended!!).... there is something about this dress the saree..all at once the whole girlish crap is lost and the womanly charm sets in!.....hey guys all of us looked even better! i heard girls all over trivandrum were swooning for the men in whites( i mean mundu!!) ... the sadya deal was cool... the best thing about the sadya was that all of us did our bit( mine was the pickles!) a real family..... first the gentle men served the ladies and then vice versa.... something really touched a chord in my heart today.... and no its not febna proposal to manju today...or the blister on my leg as a result of "vadam Valli"....
everbody often says that there was something missing in uni-y since the old members left... this was what we missed... being together ..having fun...and gorging on a lot of wholesome homemade food along with it!...this feeling of togetherness my bretheren what uni-y missed ...and each and every person there today will have felt it...
this evening i had messages from a lot of people sayin how cool the onam celebration was... i feel all good inside friends....and i don't often feel so...
here i am listening to pink floyd's The wall...i am feeling so calm.... COMPLETE..that's the word.... its this irresistible feeling of being complete that drives us to do the most difficlut of things...whenever you are going through a difficult phase my friends..think of the feeling..this complete feeling that you will have at the end of it... its funny though there was nothin difficult to do today!(pickle serving!).... it is definitely one of the best onams i ever had....
Special kudos to renji.......
with love love and well some more love
wow ONAM thank u all
Thank u ALL.
A special thanks to all the other ladies who though turn up rarely,r a wonder when they do..
and this will be remembered till i die(thts a short period,don't worry i'll tell me kids) and special thanks to Jayaram,Aravind,Eric,Aparna,Darsana,Manus(both the rockers),Renji,Arjun mohan, Niranjan,Anila, ssssh{ don't kno the names of all the gals who turned up today,but they hav been noticed} thank u, U were all wonderful. oh i forgot to say one thing the kids from school called n said they couldn't make it cos of tuition. and Arun john,Vishnu well guys every body OK, I'M TIRED of typin names..... don't ask me why febs name ain't there comeon guys i wrote whole poem on her.... it was worth the effort,she put in, ain't she gorgeous n thts enough, lord i talk too apprecitively of tht gal....(control) or more guys will run around her.
open mouthed people ask me things
how did it happen?
how did u manage?
all in the blink of an eye,u made somethin outta nothin.
how did every one smile n laugh about?
how could someone like u do somethin like that?
Now i say it wasn't me.
it wasn't a genie either.
but we got a little secret in our pocket,right next to our heart.
and then with a proud smile i ask em people
ever heard of a pocket dynamite?
ever heard of atom bombs in small packets?
Me friend, i got a pocket dynamite,thats a magnet n a miracle
i tell u, she's got a heart
n a soul of pure xplosive paradise water.
Now don't ask me, i ain't lettin u near her,for friend u may be,
but i swear chap u won't be able to resist her
and the magic she can do.
So let my little dynamite be,my little dynamite
let her make us smile n laugh about,
n let that magnet miracle work, 4 us 4 ever.
--------------------------------------------- anuroop/4 that pocket dynamite
2nd prize,NALSAR,debate
friends, a VETERAN FOOL who left (asked 2 leave) our beloved uni-y 4 greener pastures, after wanderin in waterless towns (hyderabad), has somehow(wit under the table dealings), managed to win a SECOND PRIZE : = 5000 RS. In NALSAR(national acadmy of legal science n research) DEBATE competition. Yes RAKESH has managed to yet again fool judges n people into givin him prizes. NALSAR we hoped and expected better sense from u.
JOKES ASIDE_ our RAKESH has shown wht uni-y can do to a person,well we made a world beater out of him didn't we, RAK we expect a proper Thank u. After all he faced the FINEST teams inINDIA and came out second, though next time only a FIRST would do or we ain't postin it in the blog
Hi friends,
I have great pleasure in informing you, the uniy's own fest "UNI-ART '05" has been scheduled to be held on Oct.22. The ground work for all preparations have begun. However some issues need to be sorted. We have to ensure we use all of our personal contacts for the following.
1. Sponsorships
Speaking of contacts, does anybody personally know a printing press, who can be contacted within 2-3 days? We are talking about economising the printing cost of tariffs here.
Any suggestions are welcome.. Pls feel free to contact by blog .. or my phone no: 98468-32807 ..
Signing off,
Hey all,
The blog is doing great and nice to know that so many are using it to "express" their humble opinions and harsh remarks. But I think we need more people to use the blog. Mj's initiative of the shoutbox is gr8. Keep up the good work mod's.... Hey me and gang going for
Bangalore,GOA and Coorg{ For a detailed itinerary catch
my blog}. Sad that i wdn't be there to enjoy the Onasadya :((. What to do guys my bus is scheduled to leave at 1:30 and if i don't turn up by 1 am gonna be left off, don't worry I would make up for the LOSSES .
So keep on rocking,
PS: plz visit the blog to go through the itinerary and the CONSEQUENCES.
the gals dad
the gal's dad
now nobody said it was a secret, he knew it late though
she's to walk this way,every boy knew
jaws dropped daily in the neighbourhood
dressed in pink,a summer delight
today drops the first drop of seasoned rain
on this day,soundin of showers alone
he waited,dreamin,wishin,hopin a change;
hearts broke daily he knew,in this lane
cryin at home,fevered by love knowin daddy's back,
her one look,drove him insane,
that smile , she never smiled,
her heart showed , love in her eyes
and he knew, he was a lucky man
daddy was a hunter n a hunted our boy
boy she ain't comin today,but mama's sent daddy
n daddy's gonna gt u good,so run, yea run,he's comin
now i told u why it was no secret. boy go home
daddy pricked him wit his gun his first love in rained
n the puppy's down the drain
___________________-anuroop 4 his fly council
Where did the member list go????
Hi all,
I wanted to where the member list went off all of a sudden.
Was it part of the
NEW LOOK given to the blog. Also wat happened so the link where one could watch over other's profiles. MJ u were the one whu said tht ppl shdn't giv stupid names, but nw the
NEW LOOK took away even that link.
Do somethin on that plzzzzzzz. and the new look
Blog Reloaded..!!!
Hope everybody likes the new-look-blog...the shoutbox is brand new too,so hope it does a world of good for the oh-i-dont-have-the-time-to-blog
Muchos Gracias to our temp: mod: and technical in-charge kicka***o...thnx pardner..i owe u one..
Keep bloggin peepz...take care...
The System/crap pile
friends, i want to tell you guys an incident which happened to me today. I had gone to the passport office (obviously for getting a passport!) where i had to encounter bureaucracy at its worst. as proof of my address i had submitted my bank account statement which was sufficient according to the passport guidelines. Now this one guy at the counter makes a big hue and cry and wants either my ration card or my licence as proof of address. Luckily i had the licence with me and i submitted the licence along with the copies( after going down 3 floors taking the copies attesting them and all the crap!) now our gentleman says that the size of the copy is too small and has to be enlarged! i told him in the nicest way possible by a human being at that point of time that the address was more than legible. friends you should realize that by this time i was at the edge of reason!! anyways i again went down got an enlarged copy(to shove down his @#$%) and went back( 3 floors up again!) and then he says that it is 1 o clock and that the counter is closed.............
this is how the system works in our state.. will it change? Hope it does or next time poor young men like me will forced to kick the officials in the @!#$%..... all jokes apart i think this is a serious issue.. if this were a private establishment such behaviour on the part of the official would not have been tolerated. it just because they have the protection and security of a government job such @#$% ' s are resorting to such cheap means for fun or kicks or whatever....
and finally sorry for using a lot of 'symbols'... had to friends... the system sucks
Good to see so many posts
Hi all uniyians,
As a co-founder of the blog (thallu) i am so happy to find so many posts in the blog..Keep up the good work febna,mash,anuroop... I will contribute in my way also...
I dont know what to write to be honest.. you are going to vomit over my poetic sense..So i thought you would rather be snappy and happy..
Thanx febna for showing me that picture button.For people who havent seen me in cooling glasses here goes ....

Aint that cool?????
Am not viewing the comments.. already know what they are going to be...
(on sep14 jay says, why only 2 comments?? mounam adiyaravinte chinnam??)
Be ready for more posts from this man,
the poetry bug's bitten me..!!
Donno how this is gonna be recieved,but here goes...n please feel free 2 comment...anything is

The NO I feel,is waiting
Waiting on your sweet sweet lips
Is the only reason
My resolve just slips n slips.
The NO I feel,is waiting
Is cause for all my sorrow
Neither can I tell u of my love
Nor can i wait 4 tomorrow.
The NO I feel,is waiting
I'm sure will break my heart
So,even when I want to draw you close
We still are twin souls apart.
The NO I feel,is waiting
I never could bear
Though my love 4 us boundless
And your beautiful face,so fair.
The NO I feel is waiting
Is driving me mad with frustration
But soon i'll overcome my fears
And then,my love,will come celebration.
The NO I feel,is waiting………………
putting the left foot forward..
This is my first post in the Blog, and I'm sorry tht the tone of the post has to be a bit sober,even sombre.These are some things that i wish to bring to the attention of all members,as a moderator of the blog.
1.As Mash has mentioned once already,being creative in ur Blogger id's is okay,and some of the names are even funny,and extremely interesting...but please give your real names in your profiles..we have to know who you are..the purpose of the UNI-Y blog was to bring the family closer together,not a group of strangers called undecipherable "this", or the unintelligible "that."So members, kindly co-operate,and take care that u include your real names in ur profiles at least.
2.I can see a long list of blog members down the left side of the home-page,but i can only see a handful of active contributors..I understand tht there are the constraints of not having a net connection,studies,other activities,...whatever...but if you cant post something of your own,please comment on the posts tht are already down there..this will keep the threads active,takes just a few minutes of your fulfill the pupose of the interaction of minds,and the exchange of ideas.This goes to the active contributors too..i'm sure we all appreciate ur posts,but please,take the time to comment on the other posts too...
3.We should always be on the lookout for new members,and please talk to other Uni-Y members about the blog,and if somebody you know wants to get in,and hasnt got an invitation me @
4.Not forgetting the veteran members,please..if anybody has the mail ids of P.B.,Srijith,Renjith etc....please post on the blog,or contact me..And,if somebody has
any contact with other Uni-Y chapters around the world,please post on the blog about any presence they have on the internet.It is nice that we have a presence on the www,and an active prsence at that,but it'd be nice to contact Uni-Y'ians around the world,right?
So,after tht boring and oh-so-encouraging(;-) post,this is ur beloved (I'm sure) mod: signing care..all u n prayers...
half past the Heart.
Love is such a beautiful thing. OK.
The heart is much a strange place.
Nothing passes by it,Every train has a stop there.
Not all get off at the station, not all with a honest face.
But,when love comes to station.
He's off and he's here to stay.
oh with a taxi waitin takin him around town.
They see red on the streets,with roses n thorns.
No one gets half past the heart,
Love rings the fire alarm and the folk are all passed.
Never seen a station that love didn't get off.
and never seen a town love didn't paint red,
it may be red balloons or it may be blood.
Hey sometimes love brings a baggage along,
some sour, some sweet stuff.
And all the townsfolk have mixed luck.
yeh..thats what happens when love drops off.
pst...............incomplete.....gotta go now. rest later.
hey febby,u so funny.
no no no don't hurt me so deep,poems that make me weep.
why febby,u so happy?
yea yea yea u don't know what u've done,with poems for fun.
aye febby,u jumpy?
la la la i know...a kno ...a kno .. a kno..... you r crazy naaaaaaaaaaaa.?
bye febby byeeeeeee
----- ain't that breeezy.?
now a thought on the poem,stupid it may have sounded but friends realise that our febina just can't be stupid,and she proved it with those incompleted lines in between gibberish.
Light at the end of the tunnel,is what drives a lot of people.In short it is Hope.Remember Pandora's box? it is the only gift the wretched box gave this doomed world,n like all fairy tales, good things come out in the end.It is true the Pandora's box story,so very true.
Remember Jealousy,Anger,Deceit,Sorrow? our life's r so filled with them that with hope we overcome them all. With a small seed of trust planted between two souls engulfed in fear and confusion,hope will run down all other of pandora's troubles.
it was just a thought..
hey,people! please understand me,i have been sitting,standing,walkin,running and tryin nothing all through these years in this small town and finally i come up with a thought that has been troubling me ever since i started thinkin of dreams and not dreams of the freudean category,but ambitions. And i came up with what i must confess shocked me. For a small town we have a really ambitious youth,to be honest the ones with the strongest i found at uni y and the least ambitious at my college.All these ambitious people led me to think on each dream including mine and i realised we all have a big I,ME, MINE standing up above all. we have never,and i strongly confess have never thought of OTHERS.Why didn't I do that? That is the question that led to put up that blog,the statement is incomplete and i hope to write more on it not on the blog but in my black book. I realised today that i have a confused lot of uni Yans, who read it so i have tried my best and edited it. I hopr u people would go through the pain of reading it again and posting your comments. TODAY is a happy day,one of the happiest i've had in recent times.We are finally gearing up for this years UNI ART. thank you. Im sure a lot of people will be happy with this. All through my time at this place that literally saved me thanks to the forcefullness of a veteran member and a group of people who no man could hate. This day I thank those members,guys you don't know what u have done for an idiot like me. And oh i read febby's blog,what will we do without her? Imagine a being that brings a smile to every man's face.Feb you are a Wonder. Ok thats enough or guys will think i'm in love,now i must say i haven't said half that to the woman i love. My only question to Feb is why IaS? that is too small a thing for you.Hell it's too small a dream for me.I'm not sayin you r smarter than me just that try somethin else or better still ask the Why and If question,keepin in mind the Others in this world. arey! Why trouble the poor people in the collectrates office or the foreign office? I mean how will they manage you? no How will they even see you behind the big table? Hey atticus he.....he....he.... Imagine mash thinking u to be half as smart as me.Mash i didn't go to Cambridge doesn't mean i won't go to Cambridge.Wait Harvards law school sounds better, Stanford? nah... NlsU will do..for LLm..... the breezee is blowing by you,can u feel me?
sorry Mash point noted! i had used a few chat lingos in the previous post. but believe me it was not intentional. It just happens after some time on the net. Sorry for that. And no..hehe i am not from Oxford or Cambridge... I am from a small place called Thirumala where a Kiddilam payyan in Hyderabad university lives!
then read Febna's post. This woman never ceases to amaze me! Its great to have her on the blog! And Breeze, frankly i did not understand a word of what u said in your post! what was that all about!nice to read though! its great to know that Febna has benifitted so much from uni-y. i think that uni-y too has benifited so so so much from her. The first time i saw her...well obviously i was hooked( she's so cute na!:) but she has proved to be a woman of steely resolve...well for once truly beauty meets brains!(febi wear a helmet in case you hit the ceiling!) ...
then onam onam onam..onam is here! onam brings vibrant memories of a great past...earlier onam used to be such fun...i spend every onam at my native place with an entire crew of cousins uncles and aunties..! it is a riot out least it used to everyone has gone their,marriage and everything in between... onam is sorta lack lustre nowadays..the only consolation that we get are a few days off from the monotonous college life... but this onam i have promised myself that i am going to have some serious fun..just like the old days...its actually not the festival that matters..what matters is whom you celebrate with...the people you are with make you break you support you or distort you.....onam is not about eating sadhyas, riding the 'uunjal' or singing songs about our beloved onathappan....its about knowing that there are people who love you and whom make every single day of your life a celebration... a celebration like no other..unique..
this onam i think we uni-y ans should come together and celebrate......not because its onam... but because we are one big family who love each other.... in a family there could be fights, grief and hard times....but the family stays together....that is the message of Onam ...... And that is what we should be celebrating....
Happy Onam to all
the thought of-if and the question of -why?
Ain`t it strange,how our lifes r complete with Ifs like if i was a Billionaire,if i was at MIT,if i was a SC lawyer or an extremely hopeful If,yes if i was an IFS. Now a lot of people dream and a lot of dreams wear off but some never end lik the guy in love wit a stone,
if he's Pygmalion he'slucky and if he's human he's a lunatic,come on chap take a vacation.Tht If is trouble. Now at saner moments in a man's life If doesn't bother him but the question why? does. Now how to handle why.It is not tough,cos u see why is like history.Either u just don`t study it,or u just don't remember it.The choice is yours. Now i'v been thinkin wht would happen to us if we asked our whys before we did our ifs or planned our ifs? I mean questions like why should i be a millionaire?why should i be at mit?or why should i b a s c lawyer? why the hell should i be a ifs? Because u see we'll realise that why is really more irritating a question when asked in Futuristic. Because when asked it would lead us to somethin we always keep inside something personal,halfway through which we'll realise that honesty to oneself will hav a completely different meaning.I believe in pleasure as the single destination humanity travels to.Our search for more and more pleasure is why we survive.Now u'll ask why is there so much un happiness in this world,the answer is simple,for the happiness of a few ,unhappiness to a lot is the present state of the world.We must realise that man is selfish beyond belief.And man has left oneness of a kind to singleness of each mind for the purely selfish motive of his singular happiness.The question I ask is what happened to Maximum pleasure for Maximum number.? In our single minded devotion to our goals we must realise that our so called ambition is nothing but a selfish motive for our status in a society. Society is a monster today,a mutant with too many minds and a singular body,tearing itself apart for the If and Why pleasures of a few
wht's happened to mash?
Mash what has happened to ur health? hope you get well soon. for you are the voice of the blog that stands out from the rest. and thank you renji. its good to know that people share my same sentiment on the main events. then the series are over.. so are my sessionals i guess! it was absolute lunacy! well let's not go into the gory details...!
and friends how was the session on september 3rd..i had gone to attend te wedding of a friend in native place. i really missed the session today. but of course i had some great food to keep me occupied!
then people i am still waiting for those interesting posts from all the rushdies and arundhati roys in uni-y..... is it gonna be an eternal wait???